Monday, April 21, 2008

Seattle Loot

I didn't blog about Seattle yet, so I thought I would. We all had a great time. We missed Rebecca, but her absence will hopefully allow us all to have an excuse to go again with just the girls. I'm not a big shopper, but shopping was probably the highlight of the trip for me. I bought a lot of stuff from Trader Joe's and even looked at their website to see if we could open a franchise here in Utah. We can't - their privately owned and they open stores wherever and whenever they feel like it. With all of the Californians living here in Utah, I think we will get one soon. Here is a picture of my loot:

The real highlight of the trip was seeing my sister Heidi. I really miss her, but I can see why she loves living in Seattle.

I think Randy survived just fine. Here is the evidence I found when I came home (p.s. - This was not posed):


Anonymous said...

Seattle was a blast- we did do some serious shopping! I should finish my recap. In time...all in time.

Christina said...

Love the Randy evidence, that's great!

Glad you had a good time, thanks for sharing your fun with us. When are you coming to NYC?